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Over Time AR 2021.04

AR Experience Documentation

iPad Mockup.png
iPad Mockup.png
iPad Mockup.png
iPad Mockup.png

UI Documentation

Client: Monument Lab                                                                                           

App Store link:

Read more at Monument Lab:

Press release: 

Philly Voice:

New York Times:

Fox News:


Monument Lab’s OverTime is a public art and technology platform designed to allow users to dig deeper into the living history of a city. Through a free downloadable augmented reality app, OverTime offers educational, self-guided tours of a public space by unearthing the multiple layers of history, meaning, and interpretation of that site through a personal smart device. Led by a virtual tour guide, the app opens an imagined outdoor art and history museum, so that users can access histories of an important street or intersection; explore stories and memories; and visualize new ways to access and share their own perspectives and knowledge of that site. 

OverTime is a collaboration with Dream Syndicate and the Center for Public Art & Space at the University of Pennsylvania Weitzman School of Design. --Cited from Penn&Slavery Project.            


UI Development

  • Used Machine Logic in Unity3D to effectively display different views and loops.

  • Added transitions, animations, interactions for UI pages using C#.

  • Designed assets, icons, textures in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop)

  • Used Addressables system that allows user to download/update larger files after opening the app.

AR Development

  • Made augmentation activation through plane detection, wall detection using ARFoundation.

  • Customized interactions in AR Scene using C#.

  • Handled 3D animations, materials, textures.

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